Airo Epic Management Team Created a Plan to Streamline Backlogs and Decrease Future Errors
To lessen the overall maintenance required over time for a client’s Epic system, we offered expertise in root-cause maintenance issues as part of Airo’s Managed Services offering. The customer wanted to be able to focus their resources on tasks of higher value, thus they needed to comprehend how to streamline error maintenance and prevent future backlogs. If work queues are built and handled effectively, improved workflow efficiency, a shorter delay between manual adjustments, and quicker issue discovery are all possibilities.
The Client Engaged Airo Healthcare IT to Reduce their Backlog of Epic Interface and Work Queue Issues
From errors that prevent patient treatment to those that simply generate “noise” and confusion, Airo tried to pinpoint the underlying cause of several errors. Five ambulatory work queues covering various healthcare workflows were the area of focus. Throughout the engagement, Airo kept count of the mistakes fixed by category and documented the resolution processes. Throughout the engagement, our experts provided advice and executed prospective builds, process improvements, or modifications that would lower the frequency of errors and improve work queue management moving ahead.