
10 minute read


Sayak Das



The healthcare in response to the challenges of the medical pandemic, economic recession, regulatory change, and social dissatisfaction? Scrupulous COVID discussions with a diverse group of industry leaders have helped us define three key themes that can mitigate the lasting impact on the healthcare industry caused by COVID-19.

Permanent Impact of Covid-19 on Healthcare Business

1) Automated Patients Eligibility Verification 

One of the biggest challenges for most of the providers is just keeping up with all the requirements for payers.

During Covid19 one of the biggest challenges, how to bill and how to submit claims, many healthcare providers are experiencing a lot of differences in what various payers are asking for, resulting in errors in billing.

Automation can reduce eligibility related claim denials by 70-80%

2) ViKi – Remote Patient Care Solution

Our product ViKi is an answer to all needs related to post-hospitalization challenges,

Remote Patient Care Solution Post Hospitalization

In order to limit the community spread of COVID- 19, to preserve healthcare system capacity, and to protect the welfare of healthcare providers many providers have restricted home care visits. This is creating a problem in outpatient care.

3) Advantage of NLP for Telehealth 

The COVID-19 pandemic has catapulted the importance of telehealth and rapidly advanced its utilization.

During covid19 many providers moved to telehealth for sharing after-visit summaries. However, it is difficult for a patient to remember content from a medical appointment.

NLP technology can transcribe medically relevant parts of the visit and provides a summary for the patient and provider to access afterward.